Kyle's 2nd Devlog

Hey guys, so for the this week my team and I have been working on creating a digital prototype for our game so we can visualize it digitally and try to get the core mechanics in it as well and have players actually play test our game in a digital way. Also most importantly, we have been working on our game design macro to organize and gather our thoughts of what we created so far in our game, and to have a better understanding of what the game is about and how it starts off until the game finishes. Most of all my team and I have been brainstorming a lot more ideas that we think could be playable inside our game, so as we were creating ideas we also tried to play test them out ourselves just to see if it would work and actually make sense and be playable for the players. Furthermore, by next week my team and I is working towards having the cat which is the player try to jump and move at a better speed and also to start adding abilities that the player can do which is by adding a power jump or having the cat kill the enemies more easier and quicker, or possibly earn an extra health bar for stamina or an extra heart which is an extra life that the cat will have. 

Get Bad Kitty!