Dev Log #3

Hello my kitties,

    Hoping all is well on your end meanwhile do you remember that episode of SpongeBob where he was training to become a waiter and he literally only knew how to be a waiter. Then when they asked for his name, the little people in his head went bat shit crazy and chaos ensued because they only knew the one thing. Well, that's what's going on in my brain right now. GitHub and Coding is kicking my butt. And with everything that's happening outside of class I'm feeling very overwhelmed. I truly want to give this game my all but, time is the enemy. I'll just submit what I already have and hope for the best. I do plan to still work on my game throughout the summer. I truly love the concept and feel like I have to do it justice! But for class purposes, I hope it's enough to pass the class. I went into the class already a month in, having to learn everything from scratch and trying to keep up for the most part. But I can at least say that I'm proud of myself for not giving up and getting back into the groove of things. Thank you so much for your kind words of support, it truly means a lot to me. I would also like to work on other projects I have drafted in my notes as well so definitely be on the lookout for that.  I added a YouTube video of me interviewing myself I hope you guys get a kick out of that I surely did. So thank you again I appreciate you guys.  Take care and I'll see you guys in the next update <3

                                                                                                                                               ~Nat =^.^=

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